Connected TV Ad Loads for Optimising In-Stream and Out-Stream Video Ads

Ad Loads for Optimising In-Stream and Out-Stream Video Ads In September, we published the IAB Tech Lab guidelines for digital video and connected TV ad formats, and these guidelines introduced a new distinguishing characteristic that separates in-stream and out-stream video ads. The coming year promises significant change and equally significant growth for advertising-based streaming services. Programmatic CTV advertising is set to benefit from this growth – if CTV services and advertisers can take advantage of the major trends. Ad loads on AVOD services have historically been lower than traditional linear television ad loads. That’s going to change somewhat in 2023, as more advertisers turn their attention – and their ad budgets – to streaming services. To accommodate a growing number of advertisers, some AVOD services will increase the number of ad slots available, while remaining below linear TV’s oppressive ad load. The automation of CTV advertising will ...